Wednesday 3 June 2015

Hair Growth Tips for men and women

To Produce New hair on the bald head You need to get these 5 points right. The first step towards growing new hair is to stop hair loss.

  • provide consistent blood flow to the hair roots.
There are specific scalp exercises that can promote blood to the hair roots
  • Cleanse the DHT from your hair roots and bloodstream......

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is one major dirt that settles in the hair follicle preventing the blood and nutrients to reach the hair roots. But there are certain acupuncture points in the hand  that can grow hair and cleanse DHT when they are triggered
Acupuncture points on the Hand

  •  Maintain the Scalp pH for hair regrowth
Scalp pH is an important factor in hair regrowth. Scalp pH cannot be too acidic nor too alkaline. Certain hair oils can help restore the natural scalp pH.

Easily available essential oil

  •  open pores and reactivate the dead hair follicle to produce new hair
Specific scalp exercise will reopen the pores on the scalp to produce new hair and allow the budding hair to look at the outside world

Unless you get all these things right you cannot grow hair on bald head